Megger PCITS2000一次电流注入测试仪装置设备

MEGGER AVO继电保护测试仪总揽

英国 美国 Megger AVO


  • PCITS2000/2 和 PCITS600/2 的最大输出电流分别是 2000A 和 60A 。
  • 每种测试设备都有两个等级的电流输出及一个辅助的电压输出。


      PCITS2000/2 的最大输出电流是 2000A ,通过转换开关的位置可以获得一半的电流输出和两倍的电压。另外, PCITS600/2 的最大输出电流是 600A ,同样可以得到一半的电流输出和两倍的电压输出。




最大交流电流输出: PCITS2000/2 : 2000A 0-3V , 50Hz/60Hz
1000A 0-6V , 50Hz/60Hz
PCITS600/2 : 600A 0-4V , 50Hz/60Hz
600A 0-8V , 50Hz/60Hz
辅助交流电压输出: 0-250V , 2A , 50Hz/60Hz
0-125V , 2A , 50Hz/60Hz
辅助电压范围: 0-250V ,分辨率 0.01A ;
精度——读数的 ± 3%,±2位数。
负载周期: 电流和电压达到满载时,通电 2.5 分钟停 15 分钟,以满载量程的 40% 连续运行时,负载周期将提高。
电源: AC/240V 6%~10% , 50Hz/60Hz
PCITS2000/2 7KVA ; PCITS600/2 3.5KVA
尺寸: PCITS2000/2 320H × 305W × 510D ㎜ 包括把手和控制器
PCITS600/2 495H × 307W × 310D ㎜ 包括把手
重量: PCITS2000/2 61 ㎏; PCITS600/2 38 ㎏

Primary Current Injection Test Set

  • Test relay protection systems and their current transformers together
  • Current level maintained though test circuit resistance may rise due to heating
  • Built-in timer to record protection relay operation

This Primary Current Injection Test Set is rugged, self-contained and designed for operation by one person.
The PCITS2000/2 is a two-wheeled unit (with a handle).
The test set has a separate hand-held controller connected by an expandable cable. This allows the operator to work close to a protective relay while controlling a test. The maximum output current is 2000 A a.c. at line frequency. By changing the range switch, half the rated output can be obtained at twice the voltage.
Additionally, a separate auxiliary voltage output of 250 V, 2 A a.c. or 125 V, 2 A a.c. is available for testing voltage operated relay coils or checking the magnetisation characteristics of current transformers. All outputs are fully variable and each test set has a nominal duty cycle when delivering full current and voltage. Continuous operation is possible at 40% of maximum current.