MEGGER AVO手持式通讯电缆故障定位仪总揽
Megger AVO TDR2000/2
TDR2000/2 是一个单色或彩色的双通道时域反射计,能准确定位通讯电缆的故障位置。 TDR2000/2得最小分辨率 0.1m最大测量范围为 20 km 在VF=0.9和16 Km在 0.65 VF. TDR2000/2 既能进行单通道也能进行双通道测试,测量通道可以和另一个通道或者预存的测量波形进行比较。显示其差值. 所有的结果都是高分辨率QVGA彩色显示, 可调的对比度根据周围的环境进行调节。
TDR2000 已经简化了每个键的功能,使之都拥有固定的功能,包括左右光标、速率因数和范围的调整等。使用过程非常简单,尤其适合初学者,既节省了测试时间又提高了检测能力。
TDR2000/2配有一个“TX Null”键可以用来消除脉冲传输过程中在显示波形起始端产生的“死区”。用户通过调整“TX Null”键可以清晰的查找这些“死区”的故障。
(9)Trace Master软件
测试范围: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 1 km, 2 km, 4 km, 8 km, 16 km.
分辨率:0-200m 0.1m
0-400m 0.2m
400m以上 测量范围的0.1%
测量精度: 测量范围的0.1%
输入阻抗: 120Ω
输入保护: 300 V CATIII 工作, 415 V CATIII 相-相
输出脉冲幅值:正常3 V, 5 V 和 14 V开路峰值
脉冲宽度选择范围:0-50m: 7 ns, 20 ns, 40 ns, 60 ns, 80 ns
0-100m: 7 ns, 40 ns, 60 ns, 80 ns, 100 ns
0-200 m: 7 ns, 40 ns, 80 ns, 140 ns, 200 ns
0-400 m: 40 ns, 80 ns, 160 ns, 200 ns, 400 ns
0-1km: 80 ns, 160 ns, 260 ns, 500 ns, 1 ms
0-2km: 160 ns, 260 ns, 500 ns, 1 ms, 2 ms
0-4km: 240 ns, 500 ns, 1 ms, 2 ms, 4 ms
0-8km: 500 ns, 1 ms, 2 ms, 4 ms, 8ms
0-16km: 1 ms, 2 ms, 4 ms, 8 ms, 16 ms
增益:0 至 90dB 步长6dB
速度因数:0.30 至0.99 可调步长 0.001
TX Null: 从0Ω到 120Ω
电源:若 5 分钟、10分钟、15分钟(可选)之后没有操作,则自动关闭.
背光灯:保持1分钟、2分钟、5 分钟(可选)
电池: 8节 LR6(AA)电池
安全: 符合IEC61010-1
EMC: 遵从电磁的兼容性BS EN61326-1
体积: 250L mmX200W mmX 110 Dmm
重量: 1.5 公斤
外壳材质: ABS
显示: 320 x 240 LCD
存储温度: -20oC至+70oC
Time Domain Reflectometer TDR2000/2
Megger also offers precision test equipment for a variety of telecommunication and data communication applications. These test instruments include TDRs,insulation and continuity testers, battery testers, earth testers and hand-held network certifiers
Whether locating cable faults or testing the integrity of communication, power, or control cables, TDRs from Megger provide fast and accurate results. Each unit is a safe, low-voltage tester that can be used on virtually all cable types, whatever their power rating.
- 20 km range at VF = 0.90
• Monochrome or colour options
• Primary cell or rechargeable options
• Large back lit LCD Display
• Dual cursor measurement
• Intermittent fault location
• Output pulse amplitude and width control
• “TX Null” technology
• No blocking filter required
• Trace Master PC software included
• 15 memory trace storage
• IP54 Rating
The MEGGER TDR2000/2 is a state of the art, monochrome or colour, dual channel Time Domain Reflectometer, capable of identifying and locating a wide range of faults on metallic cables.
The TDR2000/2 has a minimum resolution of 0.1m and a maximum range of 20 km at VF=0.9 and 16 Km at 0.65 VF. The TDR2000/2 can perform single or dual channel measurements on a wide range of metallic cables. Active channels can be compared with each other or with previously stored traces from memory. Differential channel measurements are possible and cross talk between channels can also be identified.