MEGGER AVO绝缘综合检测与诊断仪器仪表总揽
IDAX能够对多种电气设备进行准确可靠的绝缘状态分析,例如变压器,套管,发电机和电力电缆。IDAX是基于介电频率响应DFR (Dielectric Frequency Response)技术的新型绝缘测量诊断仪器,其应用之一是变压器的微水含量测量和诊断。
IDAX 300
Diagnostic Analyzer
- Fast and accurate moisture assessment in power transformers
- Well proven technology; IDA/IDAX units have been in field use 10+ years
- Reliable results at any temperature
- Automated analysis of moisture content and oil conductivity — decisions at your finger tip
- True frequency domain measurement for highest noise immunity
- Performs non-intrusive insulation testing of transformers, bushings, cables and generators
IDAX 300 measures the capacitance and tan delta/power factor of the insulation between power transformer windings at multiple frequencies. Plotting the results as a curve makes it possible to assess the condition of the oil and solid insulation, assess the moisture level in the solid insulation and other potential insulation problems. The test can be performed at any temperature.
IDAX 300 provides an accurate and reliable
condition assessment of insulation in transformers, bushings, generators and
cables. The IDAX 300 system maximizes the outcome of maintenance activities
allowing for load and service life optimization.