MEGGER AVO剩余电流漏电测试及回路测试总揽
- DC ,可选择和可编程 RCD 测试标准
- 斜坡测试
- 自动测试
- 3 相安全测试
- 仪器外壳牢固
- 符合 IP54 防尘标准
- USB 接口下载测试结果
- 在 RCD 额定为 30mA , 100mA 和 500mA 时候, RCDT300 系列能进行 1/2 I, 1xI 和 5xI测试,RCDT320还能在RCD额定为10mA和1000mA时候,进行测试,所有的单元都能对RCD提供直流测试。
- 标准和选择的 RCD 测试时间为
1/2 I 2s 2s
I 300ms 2s
5I 40ms 150ms
在 RCD 额定为 100mA 的时候进行 5I 测试
所有的 RCD 都能在 0o 或者 180o
选择 RCD
选择断路器在跳闸的时候有一个时间延迟。对于选择的,允许在测试故障电压和测试电流应用的时候,跳闸测试时间就会有点延迟甚至可能有 30 分钟的延时。
接触电压制约有 25V 或 50V 可供选择。
可以在 1/2 I, 1xI 和 5xI的状况下测试直流灵敏RCD。
斜坡测试( RCDT320/330)
测量 RCD的跳闸电流。电流电平慢慢从1/2 I 增加到 1I (+10%)。当RCD跳闸的时候,跳闸电流就会显示在显示屏上。
能非常有效的诊断有损害的 RCD跳闸。
自动测试( RCDT320/330)
当在测试 RCD 的时候,但是操作者要去别的地方,这时操作者只需要给仪表设置一些参数就可以走开,仪器就会自动进行 1/2 I, I 和 5I 测试,测试可以在0o 和 180o。RCD在每次跳闸后自动重启,好让使用者能进行下次自动测试。所有的测试结果都会显示和存储下来,节约你的时间和精力。
测试结果能通过 CSV软件下载下来,下载的结果以Microsoft Excel 表格形式显示。
安全特性 : 所有的 Megger RCDT 300系列回路测试仪器符合和超过UK和国际配线标准,包括符合 BS7671和 VDE 0413 部分1和部分4, HD 384, IEC 364, NFC15-100, 和 NEN3140, ES59009 和 EN 61557标准。
为了保护使用者和测试者的安全, RCDT 300系列特别为仪器设计了安全保护装置。
- 安全互锁—保护测试导线不正常连接
- 3相安全保护—如果有连接通过相位的时候,Megger LT300测试仪器是没有损坏。
- 测试抑制—如果电源超过了 280V(LT310)或480V(LT320/330),测试将会被抑制。

RCD 测试范围 (EN61557-6)
电源 : RCDT310 100 V – 280 V 45Hz 到 65 Hz
RCDT320 50 V – 280 V 45Hz 到 65 Hz
RCDT330 50 V – 280 V 45 Hz 到 65 Hz
测试电流精度 :
不跳闸测试 : ( 1/2 I) –8% 到 –2%
跳闸测试 : (I, 5I) +2% to +8%
跳闸时间 : ±1% ±1ms
电压测量 (所有的模块)
量程 ac: 0V – 300V 25Hz 到 450Hz
精确度 : ±2% ±2 位数
频率测量 (RCDT320/330)
量程 : 25Hz 到 450Hz
精确度 : 25.0Hz 到 199.9Hz ±0.1Hz;200Hz 到 450Hz ±1Hz
显示范围 : 0 V to 50 V
误差 : +5%/+15% ±0.5 V
可编程 RCD 步进
10 mA 到 50 mA – 1 mA 步进
50 mA 到 500 mA – 5 mA步进
500 mA 到 1000 mA – 10 mA 步进
测试结果储存 (1000组)
操作范围 : -5°C 到 +40°C
操作湿度 : 93% R.H.@ +40°C max.
储存范围 : -25°C 到 +70°C
最高海拔 : 2000m
通信 : USB 接口
电池 : 8 x 1,5 V IEC LR6 类型电池(AA 碱性).
可充电电池 : 8 x 1.2V 镍镉或者是镍电池
电池使用寿命 : 2000组连续性测试。
重量 : 所有的单元 980gms
尺寸 : 所有的单元 203 x 148 x 78 mm
Megger RCDT300
RCD testers for electricians
- Tests standard, DC and selective RCDs
• Ramp testing
• Auto (Remote) testing
• 3 Phase safe
• Enables testing on 110 V centre tapped supplies.
• Tough rubber armoured case with built-in cover
• Weatherproof to IP54
Even if they are inadvertently connected to a live three-phase supply, RCD testers in Megger’s new RCDT300 range remain undamaged, and present no safety hazard to the user. Introduced after extensive customer research into the requirements of electrical contractors, these innovative instruments combine rugged construction with straightforward operation, and they are offered at very competitive prices.
Available in three models, ensuring that all users can choose a model which exactly meets their needs, RCDT300 RCD testers feature a compact ergonomic design, making them easy to handle and use, and a tough impact-resistant body with a rubber overmoulding for additional protection, plus a built-in display cover. All models in the range are water and dust resistant, with an IP54 ingress protection rating.
The low-cost entry-level RCDT310 model is suitable for use on supplies between 100V and 280V, and offers 0.5I, I and 5I tests, with provision for tests starting at 0ْ/180ْ of the supply waveform, as well as for DC tests. It also has facilities for testing standard and selective RCDs, and covers current ranges from 30mA to 500mA. When connected to a live supply, it defaults to voltmeter mode.
The mid-range RCDT320 covers a wider supply voltage range of 50V to 290V, allowing use with centre-tapped 110V supplies. It incorporates ramp testing testing, for RCD tripping current measurement, and the unique Megger auto sequence test feature, which saves time by allowing the tester to conduct all the RCD tests, and to store the results while the operator stands by the RCD, resetting it as appropriate.
The operating current range of the RCDT320 is extended to cover 10mA to 1,000mA devices, and the ability to measure AC supply voltage and frequency is added. The large liquid crystal display for test results is backlit in this model, making it easier to use in locations with low ambient light levels.
The RCDT330 additionally offers the facility to save test results to internal memory. Over 1000 result can be saved on site, and downloaded to a computer when convenient.
Data is stored in non-volatile memory, being retained when the instrument is switched off or batteries are exhausted.
A Job reference number can be selected for a range of results, allowing separate locations to be tested with the same tester and easily separated when downloaded.
A memory bar graph acts as a ‘Fuel Gauge’ showing how much memory has been used. Test results are downloaded to CSV (Coma Separated Variable) spreadsheets.
If certificates or reports are required, the results can be downloaded directly into Megger Powersuite Professional with a range of features for creating professionally finished documentation.
All models in the range comply fully with the requirements of IEC61010-1 for Category III 300V applications, and are supplied complete with appropriate test leads and a calibration certificate.

