SUPARULE CHM300DT线缆测高仪∥超声波测高仪线缆测试仪CHM6000 CHM600E

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    我们是 爱尔兰Suparule超声波测高仪在中国的总代理,亚太区维修中心,我们确保所有产品均是从爱尔兰Suparule公司原装进口的(共二个产品:瑞士LECOM品牌CHM6000 和爱尔兰 Suparule品牌CHM600E)。

    您知道,一分价钱一分货,我们确保所提供的产品均为原装进口产品,欢迎您在合同上注明“产品为爱尔兰Supaurle生产,由北京西金仪器仪表有限公司原装进口”,也欢迎您索要 “货物进口报关单”。

    北京西金仪器仪表有限公司(瑞士LECOM集团)是爱尔兰SUPARULE全系列超声波线缆电缆电力架空线路测高仪(CHM6000 CHM600E等)大中华区(中国大陆,港澳台)总代理,同时是亚太区技术支持、售后服务及维修中心。




  • Fast measurement
    ·  Inherently safe
    ·  High accuracy
    ·  Easy to use
    ·  Proven reliability
    ·  Compatiable with DT80

The SupaRule CHM 300DT Cable Height Meter is a handheld meter for measurement of cable sag, cable height distance, and overhead clearance of conductors. It is a modern alternative to telescopic measuring poles. The CHM 300DT Meter utilises ultrasonic signals to determine the height of overhead cables up to 15m (50feet) Used by line operators within the utilities industries, e.g., electricity and telecommunications, the CHM300DT measures the height and separation of up to 3 wires.
The CHM300DT has the additional feature of measuring horizontal distances up to 150 feet (45m), with the aid of the optional Dynamic Target(DT80).

Applications include height measurement of:

  • Telephone lines
  • Distribution lines
  • Transmission lines
  • Cable television
  • Street lighting
  • SAG (lowest point to ground)
  • Pole Span
  • Distance measurement across busy roadways
  • Clearances on construction sites


Ambient Temperature = 20 °CCHM300DT
Range (25mm cable min)3 –15m (10-50ft)
Range (12mm cable min)3 –15m (10-50ft)
Range (5.5mm cable min)3 –12m (10-40ft)
Range (2.5mm cable min)3 –10m (10-33ft)
No. of wires measured3
Horizontal Range with DT803 – 45 m
Accuracy0.5% ± 2 digits
Resolution (range <10m)5 mm
Resolution (range >10m)10 mm
Minimum gap between wires150 mm
Operating Temperature Range-10 °C to 40 °C
Battery Life (Long Life Alkaline type)50,000 measurements
Measurement unitsImperial (feet/inches) or metric (meters)
Auto power off delay3 minutes
Dimensions205 mm X 100 mm X 70 mm (8.5 inches X 4 inches X 3 inches)
Weight0.5kg (1.1lb)

注意:目前市场上有假冒产品(线缆测高仪 6000E),外形仿冒CHM600E。该产品无论从 外观还是性能都是质量差的一个拷贝产品,而且,软件是非法拷贝爱尔兰SUPARULE公司不再支持的旧版本,该产品已侵犯了爱尔兰Suparule公司的知识产权.该盗版产品在开机的瞬间,仍然显示”600E 19

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SUPARULE CHM300DT线缆测高仪∥超声波测高仪线缆测高仪测试仪CHM6000CHM600E6000E