PFL20M1500 电缆故障定位系统 电缆故障测试定位仪Megger AVO

MEGGER AVO电力电缆故障检测与诊断仪器仪表总揽




  • 完整的,精密的全综合电缆故障定位系统
  • 集成了所有的主要故障定位技术
  • 仪器内集成有MTDR
  • 仪器应用了全新的弧反射滤波器
  • 轻便,移动方便
  • 符合IP54防尘、防水标准


–   多种技术结合减少故障定位时间,降低费用。
–   通过降低电缆的内应力可延长电缆的寿命。
–   仪器结构坚固能够经受长年的重负工作。
–   操作简单,降低培训时间和投资额。

–   零启动电压互锁
–   高压时会有灯亮来提示有高压存在
–   能自动放电
–   带输入过载保护电路
–   外置安全互锁
–   接地检测确保电缆和仪器和地有连接
MTDR 1 特性
—  自动选择量程
—  自动计算故障点的距离
—  多色彩轨迹追踪
—  数据直接输入
—  波速度用户自输入

测试方法: 弧反射法,脉冲电流法,脉冲电压法,校验/烧穿
分辨率:1.5 m 
测试范围: 65 m — 22 km
显示: LCD显示
数据传输:通过USB 和 ComLink 软件连接
HV 模式
DC 电压: 0 – 20 kV
电流 : 0 – 60 mA
浪涌脉冲 :0 – 16 kV : 1536 J : 12 μF
脉冲间隔: 2 – 10 s 可选
弧反射滤波器/浪涌脉冲耦合器:0 – 16 kV

电压表: 0 到 20 kV
电流表: 0 到 60 mA
输入:50/60 Hz 220/240 V ac: 120 V ac, 50/60 Hz, 电池或50/60 Hz 12 V dc inverter
操作温度: -20 到 +50° C
存储温度: -30 到 55° C
海拔:2000 m
湿度: 5 到 95% RH 非冷凝
尺寸:364 H x 406 W x 406 mm
重量:大约81kgs  (具体重量取决于配置)

PFL20M Power Cable Fault Locator System

  • New style MTDR is mounted in the lid for easier viewing with a large, bright screen
  • Inductive arc reflection filter delivers more energy where it’s needed
  • On-board inverter provides a choice of power options
  • Multiple fault locating techniques:
  • Arc Reflection Method
  • Time Domain Reflectometry (Pulse Echo)
  • Impulse Current
  • High Voltage Surge
  • Proof and Burn

The PFL20M1500 Power Fault Locator System is designed to meet power industry requirements for power cable fault location in underground residential distribution (URD) systems.

The instrument includes a set of outstanding new features including a simple-to-operate MTDR built into the lid and an inductive arc reflection filter to deliver more energy to the fault. An on-board inverter provides the user a choice of input power options.

The PFL20M1500 combines all the tools necessary to perform accurate cable fault location (including dc tester/burner, surge generator, radar coupling and TDR.)

PFL20A-1500电缆故障测试定位仪 Megger AVO

MEGGER AVO电力电缆故障检测与诊断仪器仪表总揽

Portable cable fault location and high voltage test solution

  • 8/16 kV, 1500 Joules surge output
  • 2000 Joules surge output (optional)
  • 4-kV range optional
  • Arc Reflection 
  • Arc Reflection plus
  • Impulse current (current impulse)
  • Voltage decay (optional)
  • HV insulation testing to 20 kV
  • Proof/burn up to 20 kV

The prime objective of any cable fault location system is to provide quick, effective, accurate and safe fault location, thereby reducing system outages and “customer minutes lost.”

The PFL20A family of compact Megger cable fault locating systems is designed to meet this criterion. These systems
are seen as a valuable extension to our existing range of CFL instruments and capabilities.

The standard system comes as a mobile compact system
that can be further customised by the customer to meet local requirements. All systems undertake cable testing; cable and fault diagnosis; prelocation of cable faults; fault conditioning; pinpoint location using acoustic methods.

MTDR1电缆故障单相时域反射定位仪 Megger AVO

MEGGER AVO电力电缆故障检测与诊断仪器仪表总揽




  • 多重故障定位法
  • 自动量程设置,自动故障距离显示模式
  • 单相、双通道发送-接收机
  • 与市面上多种 强力脉冲发生器/滤波器 相兼容


       MTDR1利用脉波回声(pulse echo)、弧反射(arc reflection)、弧反射差(differential arc reflection) 或瞬态分析的方法(电压及电流)来做缆线故障的先期定位。本仪器可以独立使用或与Megger PFL系列产品配合使用。



Single-phase Time Domain Reflectometer

  • Multiple fault locating methods
  • Auto-ranging and auto-fault distance modes
  • Single-phase, two-channel transceiver
  • Compatible with various surge generators/filters combo on the market

The MTDR1 is used for prelocating cable faults utilizing methods such as pulse echo, arc reflection, differential arc reflection or transient analysis, both voltage and current. The unit is available as a stand-alone, or can be integrated into the Megger PFL Auto series line of products.

Using the MTDR for prelocation significantly decreases fault locate times by reducing the number of surges required to prelocate, reducing the number of surges required to pinpoint.

The MTDR is your prime tool in the battle to quickly find your faults. It eliminates the time consuming and damaging process of repeatedly surging your cable in an effort to find faults

Impulse Generator Portable Megger AVO

MEGGER AVO电力电缆故障检测与诊断仪器仪表总揽

15-kV Portable Impulse Generator

  • 15-kV Portable Model
  • Dual-Voltage Model
  • Heavy-Duty Model

Impulse Generators are designed to locate faults in power cable by the high voltage impulse method, in which a high-voltage impulse is transmitted down the cable to cause the fault to arc. The arcing fault is then pinpointed using an appropriate impulse detector.

Impulse Generators may also be used to perform voltage versus time acceptance tests, or to burn faults that fail to break down under impulse to reduce their resistance. Megger offers four models to meet every application.

Impulse Generator Dual Voltage Megger AVO

MEGGER AVO电力电缆故障检测与诊断仪器仪表总揽

15-kV, Dual-voltage, Heavy-duty Impulse Generators

  • 15-kV Portable Model
  • Dual-Voltage Model
  • Heavy-Duty Model

Impulse Generators are designed to locate faults in power cable by the high voltage impulse method, in which a high-voltage impulse is transmitted down the cable to cause the fault to arc. The arcing fault is then pinpointed using an appropriate impulse detector.

Impulse Generators may also be used to perform voltage versus time acceptance tests, or to burn faults that fail to break down under impulse to reduce their resistance. Megger offers four models to meet every application.


MEGGER AVO电力电缆故障检测与诊断仪器仪表总揽

Electromagnetic Impulse Detector

  • Indicates direction of fault
  • Works under all weather conditions
  • Survives rough handling and transport
  • Converts to voltage gradient tester with optional earth frame
  • Long-lasting 9-volt battery

The Electromagnetic Impulse Detector has been designed to localize faults on buried cable by detecting the magnitude and polarity of current established on a cable during surging with a surge generator.
The instrument is composed of an amplifier module, sheath coil, and carrying case. It is typically used on network systems to isolate a fault between manholes. An optional earth frame and surface coil are available.
The Electromagnetic Impulse Detector can be used with Megger PFL Systems or with surge generators of other manufacturers.

Arc Reflection Filter Megger AVO

MEGGER AVO电力电缆故障检测与诊断仪器仪表总揽

Arc Reflection Filter
Standard Arc Reflection Filter and Heavy-Duty Arc Reflection Filter (detachable)

  • Choice of standard and heavy-duty models
  • Delivers highest energy levels to the fault, improving fault locating capability
  • Designed for safe, continuous operation with appropriate companion impulse generators
  • Designed for minimum trace distortion on companion time domain reflectometers

With Arc Reflection Filters, cable faults can be located on power cables rated at up to 35 kV. Relatively small systems, such as most direct buried underground residential distribution (URD) systems, are easily satisfied with the standard filter. Larger systems, including especially long direct buried distribution cable and especially complex circuits using lead-covered cable, require much more energy (such as is made possible using the heavy-duty filter).

MPP1000电缆故障探测仪器MPP1001 MPP1002电力电缆巡线测试仪器Megger AVO

MEGGER AVO电力电缆故障检测与诊断仪器仪表总揽

MPP1000 电缆故障探测器


  • 与PFL系列设备结合实用,确定电缆的故障点和走向
  • 工作于任何气候条件
  • 探测15m距离内的故障
  • 声频范围125-1000HZ,增益自动调节
  • 通过脉冲指示提醒操作者浪涌周期
  • 通过调节音频消除干扰
  • 电池寿命超过200小时
  • 单、双两种测试组合形式






1. 通过测试电磁脉冲和声音信号,可快速有效地判断故障点的方向及距离。
2. 重量轻,防水外壳,操作者可工作在任何气候条件。
3. 可测试15m以内距离的故障。
4. 听筒能很好的消除周围的噪音
5. 同时使用声频结合能消除环境干扰

SD-3000   SD-3002  SD3000  SD3002 浪涌探测器 已经停产,替代产品为 MPP1000  MPP1002

Megger Pinpointer

  • Cable fault distance and direction via single or dual detection configuration
  • Rugged, compact weather resistant housing
  • Ambient noise reduction headphones
  • Easy, trouble-free probe connection with a detachable cable system
  • Fault detection up to 50 ft (15 m approx) away and extended battery life
  • Ballistic pulse scale provides thump magnitude and surge period
  • Background interference elimination via selectable acoustic frequency band  

Specifically designed for service, industrial and power utility companies, the MPP1000 pinpoints faults in shielded and direct buried primary cables via a single or dual probe. A single probe version can be easily upgraded at any time by purchasing a second probe. The MPP1000 stand-alone unit (without probes) measures electromagnetic surge and supplies the amplitude of that surge which aids in finding the fault. Overall, the versions can successfully detect both the electromagnetic and acoustic pulses emitted from an arcing fault when it is surged. They can also be used with any Megger PFL Power Cable Fault Locating system/surge generator or other supplier. 

总揽–Megger AVO进口手持式通讯电缆断点故障定位仪漏电测试仪电流通讯电缆故障测试仪报价格

英国美国Megger AVO 产品总揽



北京西金仪器仪表(LECOM)与MEGGER AVO共同最新推出手持式通讯电缆故障定位仪

1. Megger AVO TDR1000/2手持式通讯电缆故障定位仪

         MEGGER TDR1000/2是一种先进的远距离电力、通讯电缆故障定位仪,该仪器采用TDR(时间域反射)技术,通过检测电缆导体的反射脉冲以确定电缆故障点的距离和位置。

2. Megger AVO TDR1000/3 手持式低压电力电缆通信电缆故障定位仪

3. Megger AVO TDR1000/3P 手持式低压电力电缆故障定位仪

4. Megger AVO TDR2000/2手持式通讯电缆故障定位仪

5. Megger AVO TDR2000/2P手持式通讯电缆故障定位仪

         TDR2000/2 是一个单色或彩色的双通道时域反射计,能准确定位通讯电缆的故障位置。 TDR2000/2得最小分辨率 0.1m最大测量范围为 20 km 在VF=0.9和16 Km在 0.65 VF. TDR2000/2 既能进行单通道也能进行双通道测试,测量通道可以和另一个通道或者预存的测量波形进行比较。显示其差值. 所有的结果都是高分辨率QVGA彩色显示, 可调的对比度根据周围的环境进行调节。

6. Megger AVO TDR500电缆故障定位 长度测量 时域反射计

7  . Megger AVO TDR900电缆故障定位 长度测量 时域反射计