美国英国Megger 30kV绝缘测试仪 MIT30 AVO 报价格

MEGGER AVO交直流耐压及绝缘电阻测量仪表总揽

英国Megger MIT30

MIT30 ,30 kV insulation tester

连续可变测试电压, 0 – 30kV
供电电源:85-264 V交流, 47-440 Hz或110-350伏直流电。
安全性能:IP67(仪器未使用), IP52(仪器使用中)
外形尺寸: 360长x 304宽x 194 D毫米
重量: 10公斤( 22磅) 。

• Specifically designed for ungrounded test samples only
• Continuously variable test voltage, 0 – 30 kV
• Test current 0 – 330 μA
• Output voltage accuracy, + 1.5% (full scale)
• Built-in adjustable ionization indicator
• Fail-safe grounding and “zero-start” switches
• Rugged, compact, lightweight, and portable

The MIT30 is a 30 kV Insulation tester that has been developed to satisfy the demand for a variety of high voltage, high accuracy, low current applications in electrical distribution industries, aerospace and defense applications.

The MIT30 cannot be used on grounded/earthed test samples. Otherwise, the unit will be damaged.

The unit offers unparallel accuracy and resolution, with a high voltage output from 0 to 30 kV dc., trip levels from 0 – 360 μA and a resolution of 1 nA (±1.5%). The MIT30 represents excellent precision in a field instrument, and gives the operator confidence in the meaningful results.

The MIT30 can be used to perform step-voltage and proof tests which, when incorporated into a routine maintenance program, can aid in predicting potential failure before breakdown occurs.


耐压测试,或称电介质强度测试, 俗称HiPot 测试
      HiPOTHigh Potential Test的缩写。传统意义上说,耐高压测试是一个电气安全测试标准,用于检验电气类产品在终端应用中的绝缘性。它是一种经常性的生产线安全测试。



一、-总揽- 交流耐压,绝缘强度Hipot测试、试验仪器

二、-总揽- 直流耐压,绝缘强度Hipot测试、试验仪器

三、总揽- 交直流耐压,绝缘强度Hipot测试、试验仪器

四、-总揽- 安规综合测试产品总揽